Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Reference :

    1. Richard Lehan, ‘Texas Studies in Literature and Language’ [University of Texas Press, 1959]
    2.  Swedish Nobel Committee, ‘Saul Bellow’s Nobel Lecture’ [Nobel Prize org., 12 Dec. 1976]
    3. Irving Malin, ‘Saul Bellow’s Fiction’ [Carbondale, 1969]
    4. Earl Rovit, ‘Saul Bellow’ [Minneapolis, 1967]
    5. Richood Chase, ‘The Adventures of Saul Bellow’ [Commentary, 27 April, 1959]
    6. Atlantic Archive, ‘Saul Bellow on Morlism’ [Atlantic Monthly Group, 2012]
    7. Contemporary LIterary Criticism, Ed. D. G. Morowki, Vol–33 [Detroit : Gale Research, 1980]
    8.  Ralph Berets, ‘Repudiation and Reality Instruction in Saul Bellow’s Fiction’ The Centernial Review. Excerpt in ‘Contemparary Literary Criticism’. Ed. S. R. Gunton and L. L Harris, Vol.— 15 [Detroit : Gale Research, 1980]
    9. M. A. Klug, ‘Saul Bellow : The Hero in the Middle’, The Dalhousie Review, Vol.–56 [1976]. ‘Excerpt in Contemporary Literary Criticism’ Ed., S. R. Gunton and L. L. Harris. Vol.– 15 [Detroit : Gale Research, 1980]
    10. L. H. Goldman, ‘Saul Bellow and the Philosophy of Judaism’, Saul Bellow in The 1980’s : A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed., G. L. Cronin and L. H. Goldman. [Affiliated East-West Press, New Delhi, 1992]

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