Author : Dr Mayuri Barman
Date of Publication :25th March 2024
Abstract:The belief about what is right and what is wrong, what ought to be done and what not to be done is generally defined as moral belief. Thus, morality is an on – going process in the life of human beings from its primitive stage to the present stage. But, in this age of globalization all human beings with their rapid developments feel insecure in every spheres of life. The problems of bio-ethical issues like Abortion, Euthanasia etc are especially urgent in the present day. They are rather the problems of human beings in situations in which not only ethical decision is necessary for every moments of our life. Much of the public debate on abortion arises whether it is morally right or wrong and what is killed in an abortion? These questions are never ending where we shall approach the issue that demonstrates that what is killed in abortion is a human embryo- a human being. Further it also clarifies that the cell is growing in its own distinct direction with whole organism. Thus, the present paper focuses three major points. Firstly, it discusses about applied ethics. Secondly, the problems of bio-ethical issues like abortion have been taken in discussion and Right to life on human embryos and fetuses. Thirdly, Gita’s view on abortion is given.
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