Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Comparison of Classical Item Characteristics with Several Software in Developing a Mathematics Learning Outcomes Test Instrument

Author : Zulfa Safina Ibrahim, Jumriani Sultan, Nurul Wahdah

Date of Publication :5th February 2024

Abstract: This study outlines the development steps of a mathematics learning outcomes test and compares item characteristics using AnBuSo, ITEMAN, and RStudio software. Employing the 4D model (define, design, develop, disseminate) in Research & Development (R&D) methodology, the research took place in an East Java 8th-grade junior high school during the 2022/2023 academic year's second semester, focusing on circle material. A small-scale trial involved 33 students. Content validity assessment by 3 experts showed high validity for all items. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) for construct validity revealed 3 factors comprising 7 items. Facto r 1 contained 5 variables (items 1, 7, 9, 13, and 15), factor 2 had 1 variable (item 14), and factor 3 had 1 variable (item 12). Comparative analysis of item characteristics among AnBuSo, ITEMAN, and RStudio demonstrated similar and nearly identical values in differentiation an d difficulty level, indicating good differentiation and moderate difficulty across all items. Thus, it’s inferred that all three software options are equally effective for item characteristic analysis.

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