Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Reviving the ‘Forgotten Concept’ of Human Duties for Enforcement of Human Rights and Protection of Human Dignity: A Research Study with a Broader Lens and in Global Context

Author : Maitri Shail Patel

Date of Publication :17th December 2024

Abstract: Just like an intriguing, mysterious and a suspenseful movie or an open-ended, as well as a romantic story, the concept of human rights and human duties alongwith the recognition of the significance of human dignity has captivated the deep interest of almost evert individual living in every corner of this vast world in some way or the other. Not only that, but whether an individual is professionally belongs to the legal field or not, he/she thoroughly understands the concepts of Human Rights, Human Duties, and Human Dignity and is also, well-aware of the national and international level affairs revolving around them. The most striking fact remains that eventhough, the concept of human rights and duties had originated in the ancient times when there used to be kingdoms all over the world and have undergone a long evolution over the period of centuries, still they haven’t been able to be bound by a perfect, complete, and particularly a comprehensive definition. And even though, since the year 1948, when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on 10th of December, Human Rights and Human Duties have been recognized all over the world by the nations asthey’ve been incorporated in their respective constitutions, these concepts still remain one of the most burning topics in the global context even in the current year 2024 – the Year of Artificial Intelligence Usage, Advancement in Technologies, and Digitalization at it’s peak. Human Rights have been either adopted explicitly in the form of separate legislations or implicitly incorporated into the constitutions by respective nations. But the age-old concept of Human Duties as well as Dignity have been forgotten, leading to the current situation of severe imbalance of justice, morals, and various other inter alia concepts. Rather than emphasizing the policy changes and further amendments in the existing constitutions as well as the laws and statutes, more attention needs to be given onto how the Executive Wings of the Governments all over the world are working on imposing and enforcing the human rights by motivating people to do their respective human duties and also, contribute significantly in the protection of human dignity. So, the root cause of all the major international concerns like Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and so on: Reviving the Forgotten Concept of Human Duties and Actively Work on Protection of Human Dignity. Therefore, this paper is the first step towards bringing the change at the grassroot level and then, proceeding efficiently at highest levels. This paper will be an in-depth study on how revival of as well asthe emphasis on the forgotten concepts of human duties and human dignity can bring out highly effective changes and impacts on a global level beginning from understanding all the concepts in a focused manner and then, moving on towards bringing greater and global revolutionary changes.

Index Terms: Human Rights, Human Duties, Dignity, Enforcement, Protection.

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