Author : Eungyo Ji, Maidul Islam
Date of Publication :21st January 2025
Abstract:The aim of this study is to explore the effectiveness of product advertisement using nostalgic songs and its influence on consumer purchase intention particularly, within the Korean context. Nostalgia for marketing and advertising strategy brings positive emotions and comfort to consumers. Especially, this can lead to beneficial outcomes such as brand loyalty and sales in challenging times such as the post-COVID-19 era. Nostalgic songs can be a strategic tool in creating an emotional connection with consumers. The data for this research was collected by a survey methodology and investigates how nostalgic songs possibly influence consumer experiences, emotional connections, and ultimately, purchase intentions. Atotal of 257 data were collected from mainlyKorean participants, revealing significant emotional and cognitive impacts of nostalgic stimuli. The results of this study include descriptive statistics, reliability and validity test, factor analysis, and Pearson correlation analysis that were conducted in this study suggest that applying nostalgic songs to commercial can enhance Purchase intention. The findings indicate that consumers engage with nostalgic stimuli emotionally and cognitively and have several practical implications for marketers and future researchers. Developing the emotional connection and cognitive engagement of consumers can help marketers to achieve their advertising strategies by incorporating nostalgic properties in their commercial.
Index Terms: Nostalgia, Purchase intention,Consumer Behavior, Music, South Korea.
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