Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Saul Bellow as a Novelist of Ideas

Author : Dr. Arti Sinha 1

Date of Publication :16th October 2020

Abstract: A novel whose story expounds and explores a particular philosophy perspective on the world is called the novel of ideas. It is different from a novel with ideas. It requires a poise, a balance, and most of all an eclectic faith in the democracy of ideas. Once the novelist deserts this position, his novels have only one of two ways to go; they may become novels not of ideas but of persons; this seldom occurs because the conversation of a novelist of ideas is scarcely an aesthetic conversation. Or they may become essays almost purely, and the narrative itself a setting for the expostition rather than the dramatization of idea.

Reference :

    1. Saul Bellow, ‘Dangling Man’ [Vanguard Press, New York, 1944]
    2. Saul Bellow, ‘Herzog’ [Viking Press, New York, 1964]
    3.  Ibid.,
    4. Ibid.,
    5. Ibid.,
    6. P. Ellen, ‘Saul Bellow : Against the Grain’, [University of Pennsylania Press, Philadolphia, 1990]
    7. Saul Bellow, ‘Mr. Sammler’s Planet’, [Viking Press, New York, 1970]
    8. Saul Bellow, ‘Humboldst’s Gift’, [Viking Press, New York, 1975]
    9.  Ibid.
    10. Ibid.,

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