Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Implementation of Electric Buses for Public Transportation in Jakarta

Author : Megha Vaish 1 Agung Wicaksono 2

Date of Publication :16th October 2020

Abstract: Transportation sector which is the main contributor of air pollution in Jakarta. Effective public transportation presents an opportunity not only to alleviate the trend towards individual vehicle ownerships but also helps limiting city-level pollution. PT. Transjakarta is the backbone of the capital’s public transportation service with exponential increase in ridership since its inception. Implementation of Battery Electric Buses (BEBs) is an opportunity for Transjakarta that would potentially reduce more than 50% of the pollution generated by vehicle emission along with reduction in oil imports. PESTEL framework and supply chain analysis is done to determine the effect of external and internal environment on the adoption of BEBs in Jakarta. This exploratory research will use qualitative methodology to analyse the data and determine the barriers for the adoption of electric buses. High upfront cost of buses and development of charging infrastructure along with grid stability issues are identified as main barriers. The objective is to provide a solution to overcome the barriers based on cost benefit analysis, charging strategy and innovative business models considering technological advancement and local operational requirements.

Reference :

    1. ADB (3 April 2020), Indonesia’s Economic Growth to Slow in 2020 on COVID-19 Impact, but Gradual Recovery Expected in 2021, Asian Development Bank Outlook 2020,, accessed on 3rd July 2020.
    2. Bloomberg New Energy Finance (2018), Electric Buses in Cities
    3. RUPTL (2018), 2018-2027 Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (2018-2027 Power Supply Business Plan)
    4. Xiangyili, Camron Gorguinpow, Sebastian Castellanos, Ryan Sclar (2019). How to Enable Electric Bus Adoption in Cities Worldwide, A Guiding Report for City Transit agencies and Bus Operating Entities.

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