Author : Lamia NEDIL 1
Date of Publication :30th September 2020
Abstract: Achieving corporate objectives depends in part on human resource management. Indeed, with the opening of economies to direct investment abroad and the implementation of multinationals, especially in the telecommunications sector, companies (public or private) are increasingly encouraging innovation to face the concurrence. The objective of this paper is proposing to the public enterprise of the telecoms sector in Algeria a model for calculating the female work productivity, based on a set of econometric and latent generating factors. To do this, various surveys using a questionnaire were carried out with a random sample of married female employees with at least one child and working in commercial agencies at the front office of this public enterprise in Algeria. Then, statistical tests, using the MINITAB software, were carried out in order to study the relationship between the female work productivity and the factors generating this productivity. The results of these surveys have shown that a dozen factors (example: training, stress, motivation, remuneration, internal communication, etc.) are clarifying the female work productivity within this public enterprise. In addition, these factors allow, not only, the improvement of the performance at work and the management of the female staff (the reactivity of the information, the internal communication, the behavior of the personnel, the stress, the need, the motivation, the absenteeism, compensation ...), but also the increase in the female work productivity within this company. Due to the presence of process and concept like organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) has witnessed the increased the working efficiency of various organizations as it promotes positive working environment and increases productivity of work and increases efficiency of working employees and promotes harmony and positivity.
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