Author : Noor Kazem Matar 1
Date of Publication :1st January 2021
Abstract: Entamoeba histolytica causes amebiasis and is responsible for 100,000 deaths each year in humans, making it the third leading cause of death due to protozoan parasite. Giardiasis is a major globally transmitted diarrhoeal disease caused by Giardia lamblia. The present research has been conducted in the province of Dhi Qar to explore the spread of Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia in children with diarrhea and to investigate some factors that may affect the spread of infection rates, such as age and sex. From the beginning of November 2017 to the end of March 2018, 500 stool samples were collected from Muhammad Al-Mousawi Hospital. Results indicated number of positive samples for E. histolytica was 63 (12.6%) higher than the G. lamblia infection which reached 3 (0.6%) samples. On the other hand, the study showed that the rate of infection according to age groups was highest in the age group of 1-3 years, reaching (42.4%), while the infection rate in advanced age groups 10-12 years was (9.1% ). In males, 37 (56.1%) was higher than the females who had 29 samples (43.9%). The results of the statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences between the infections according to the type of parasite, age and sex. Finally, we conclude that E. histolytica is the main causative agent of childhood diarrhea than G. lamblia in young age groups in males.
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