Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

The Significant use of ICT Tools in English Language Teaching and Learning with Special Reference to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Author : Bareq Raad Raheem 1 M.Amirullah Khan 2

Date of Publication :20th October 2020

Abstract: Language and technology became an essential part of our lives. Language is a means of communication, and the English language considers one of the global languages. Information communication technology(ICT) has a worth valve in life aspects, and one of them is education. Thus, this study aimed to illustrate the role of ICT tools in English language teaching and learning with special reference to the covid-19 pandemic. This study discussed ICT tools such as computers, the Internet, websites, mobile phones & applications, YouTube, and language labs. The study finds that each of the mentioned tools has a vital role in teaching and learning English. These tools also have a great significance in improving the learner's skills. This study gives a special reference to the uses of ICT tools during the covid-10 pandemic and how these tools help both teachers and learners in academic purposes.

Reference :

    1. Bareq Raad Raheem, A. K. The Role of E-Learning in Covid-19 Crisis.Availableat: ation/340999258. (2020)
    2. Raheem, Bareq Raad. " The Role of Machine Translation in Language Learning." Academic Research International 7(4 April, 2020):2348-7666.

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