Author : Dr. Najmul Hasan 1
Date of Publication :25th March 2021
Abstract: Chronic renal failure (CRD) refers to an irreversible deterioration in renal functions, which develops over a period of years. This initially manifests only as a biochemical abnormality. CRF is considered when glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls below 30 ml/min. The conventional approach of management includes Hemo- dialysis and at last renal transplantation, In the present scenario cost of Hemo-dialysis can not be affordable by every patient due to some economic reasons and understanding this means of principles explained that Homeopathy is necessary and the disease of the patient at comfortable plate form of his daily routine. Exploration of a safe and alternative therapy is needed, which proves to be helpful in reducing the symptoms and requirement of dialysis and in postponing the renal transplantation. CKD patients treated with Homeopathy may reduce prolong dialysis or reduce its frequency, and it also maintains the stage of patients without further damages. There are various types of medicines in Homeopathy are reported to be effective for CRF Kidney failure and its goal to provide a better life to the patients. In this study, Apis mellifica and Arsenicum Album are found to be useful in the management of chronic renal failure. Here we are presenting a case of CKD of 39 years old female patient who was on Homeopathic mode of treatment.
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