Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Cultural Characteristics, Business Information and Leverage among Small Scale Traders in Akure, Nigeria

Author : Micah 1 Damilola John 2

Date of Publication :24th June 2021

Abstract: Cultural characteristics of entrepreneurs play significant role in sustainability of economic ventures. This is combined with ability of entrepreneur to leverage cultural components and information to achieve success. Against this backdrop, the study was designed to explore cultural characteristics of Nigerian traders and the interplay for success. The study surveyed 600 traders in central markets areas in Akure. Quantitative and qualitative methods were applied using multistage sampling techniques. Data were statistically and contently analysed. Sixty percent of the sample population earned less than N50,000 or $110 monthly income; majority of the traders (42.3%) were Igbo ethnic group; and 43.3% possessed tertiary education certificates. At the level of chi square test, interpersonal relationship (x2 =39.25; p<0.05; r0.7); dress code (x2 =36.3; p<0.001; r0.8); apprenticeship skills (x2 =31.8; p<0.001; r0.9); marital status (x2 =40.27; p<0.02; r0.7); family size (x2 =48.2; p<0.01; r0.8); and religious beliefs (x2 =24.1; p<0.05; r0.8) were leveraged to influence growth of entrepreneurship. Social media information network (x2 =37.5; p<0.001; r0.09) was leveraged by the traders to grow economic venture. Correlation statistics showed that the traders leveraged cultural components and information positively to grow economic venture. Direction of association in the correlation was positive and strong given the values nearer to maximum value 1. Like the case in existing literature, Nigerian traders in Akure, Ondo state leveraged cultural characteristics and application of social media to sustain growth. Consequentially, literature of entrepreneurship must incorporate cultural characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful application across cultural societies

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