Author : Dr.VISHWAJITH 1
Date of Publication :26th June 2021
Abstract: Enteric/Typhoid fever is a major health problem in developing countries like India and its diagnosis only on clinical basis is difficult. All cases enteric fever and pyrexia for more than one week is screened by widal test along with other blood investigation routinely. Typhoid fever has been estimated to cause about 26 million (typhoid) and five million (paratyphoid A) illnesses, with 190,000 enteric fever deaths in 2010 globally1 . The incidence of the disease as high as 2/1000 population/year under five yof age and 5.1/1000 populations/year under 10 yr of age2. It is a systemic infection caused by organism Salmonella serovar S. typhi, S. Paratyphi A, S. Paratyphi B, & S. Paratyphi C . Rising titre in Widal test is the commonly used test for diagnosis of enteric fever. Hence, we are comparing widal test & blood culture for correlation of the results. 1,2,3 The main aim of this study was to compare the result of Widal test and blood culture in the diagnosis of typhoid fever in febrile patients.
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