Author : Dr Sendilkumar 1
Date of Publication :26th June 2021
Abstract: Candida species is a normal commensal flora of human body inhabiting skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract but may be associated with superficial and deep-seated fungal infections.1,2 Candida species are responsible for various clinical infections ranging from mucocutaneous infection to life threatening invasive diseases along with increased resistance to antifungal drugs has made a serious concern. Resistance to antifungal agents has increased during the last decade. Thus, identification of Candida up to species level and its antifungal susceptibility testing has a significance in the management of Candida infections.3,4 Aim of the study is to isolate, characterize & to determine the anti-fungal susceptibility pattern of all Candida speciesisolatedfrom vaginal swab.
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