Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Work Life Management

Author : Parvathy .T 1 Neethu.G 2

Date of Publication :20th June 2016

Abstract: Work life balance means balancing working time and free time. Work-life balance signifies the degree to which an employee feels satisfied by having his or her needs met in both work and non-work aspects of life. Through go through greater work-life balance, individuals report feeling enhanced in common that is greater job and life satisfaction and tend to behave in complimentary ways that is lesser turnover and absenteeism. The entry of women in the workplace kick-started and how female employees would successfully care for families while working. Work life balance defines the relationship between ones work life and the commitments in the rest of the personal life, and how they impact on each another. In the modern era of technology and accessibility, organizations have begun to provide their employees with cooperative ways to balance their work and other roles through benefits like flexible working hours so on. How-ever, contribution of these benefits is not enough to the organization and management must schedule its promotion of strong work-life balance for employees by creating values and the designing policies that support this initiative. Otherwise, employees feel burden to continuously work, which can be maintained by mobile devices and constant availability of the internet that allows employees to transport a work place wherever they go. Results specify that many people experiencing poor work-life balance. Therefore, employers and employees alike should consider what is most important for achieving this healthy balance. Work–life balance is a idea including proper ordering between "work" (profession and desire) and "lifestyle"(healthiness, choice, holiday, family ,spiritual development/meditation). This is related to the awareness of standard of living choice

Reference :

    3. V.S.P Rao- Human resource management

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