Author : Rinky Bisht 1
Date of Publication :20th June 2016
Abstract: Penicillium oxalicum was isolated as an endophyte from leaves of medicinal plant, Cupressus torulosa. Chloroform extract of the P. oxalicum was evaluated for antimicrobial (antibacterial and antifungal) and antioxidant activity. Chloroform extract was effective against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi. Fungal crude extracts showed inhibitory activity against pathogenic microorganisms, with an average zone of inhibition varied between 9 mm to 10 mm, and the largest zone was of 10 mm against E. coli and B.subtilis. The antifungal activity of fungal crude extract was checked against the pathogens Fusarium solani and Fusarium oxysporim. P. oxalicum extract show maximum inhibition of 83.33% against F.oxysporium. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of chloroform extract evaluated by tube broth dilution method was recorded as 12.5mg/mL against S.typhi and 6.25mg/mL for B. subtilis and S.aureus. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence phenolic compounds and anthraquinones. P. oxalicum was also examined for in vitro antioxidant activity by DPPH radical scavenging assay. The chloroform extract of the fungal endophytes showed potent antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 17.47μg/mL compared to the IC50 value of standard ascorbic acid, 9.0mg/mL.
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