Date of Publication :20th July 2016
Abstract: Air is the natural gift to all living organism. It is the most essential ingredient of life. Entire living creatures on the earth cannot live without air. Air is the mixture of gasses that forms earth’s atmosphere. The natural or fresh Air contains 20.95% Oxygen,78% of Nitrgen.0.03% of Carbondioxided 0.93% organ and negligible quantities of Ozones, Hydrogen sulfide, sulphurdioxided and carbon-monoxide varies between 0 and 0.09%.If this ration is disturbed owing to presence of any foreign substance in it, the air cannot be said to be fresh air. Rather, it would be polluted or continuator air, unfit for use. To maintain the good quality of Air and control of Air pollution, the Indian Parliament enacted the Air (Prevention and Control of Prevention) Act 1981.This Act was passed by the Indian Parliament in the exercise of its powers conferred Under Article 253 of the Constitution. The Aims and Objects of the Act provide, “Where decision were taken at the United Nations Conference on Human Environment held at Stockholm in June 1972, in which India participated to take appropriate steps for the preservation of the natural resources of the earth which, among other things, include the preservation of the quality of air and control of air pollution. And whereas it is considered necessary to implement the decision aforesaid in so far as they relate to the preservation of the quality of air and control of air pollution. Thus the act was passed to fulfill an international obligation. In view of tackling the Air pollution problem of the air act provides that Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Board are established in India. The importance and objectives of control of air pollution has been discussed briefly as below. Many Bodies and Boards at National and International level have been formed and these are playing an important role in controlling of air pollution
Reference :
- Environment Law by Dr.J.J.Upadhyay
- Environmental Law by Dr.K.Vidyullatha Reddy
- Environmental Law by S.C.Shastri
- Legal Control of Environmental Pollution byAgarwal.A
- Environmental Jurisprudence by Ashok A, Desai
- The International Law of pollution by Barros J and DM Johaston
- Environmental Management by Beena Devi Singh
- International Environmental Law by Bhatt‟s
- Law relating to pollution by MC Loughlin .J
- Environmental Law by Mishra & Agrawal ,
- International Environmental Law by Dr.Padma