Author : Raghu K P 1
Date of Publication :23rd November 2016
Abstract: In designing the underwater optical wireless system, there are many issues that are to be considered. Since water channel is highly attenuating for Ultrasound, Acoustic, RF and optical signal is a suitable candidate. Out of various techniques available for underwater wireless communication, acoustic sensors place a vital role in acquiring signals from various sources. However, the choice of wavelength depends on the water characteristics. Moreover in designing the optical transmitter system the modulation scheme that can perform better is to be studied. Though acoustic modems have long been the default wireless communication method for underwater applications due to their long range, the need for high speed communication has prompted the exploration of non-acoustic methods that have previously been overlooked due to their distance limitations. One scenario that drives this need is the monitoring of deep sea oil wells by AUVs that could be stationed at the well and communicate surveillance data wirelessly to a base station. Optical communication using LEDs is presented as an improvement over acoustic modems for scenarios where high speed, but only moderate distances, is required and lower power, less complex communication systems are desired.
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