Author : Ar. Vijaya D. Choudhari 1
Date of Publication :15th March 2017
Abstract: The central premise of this study is that the infrastructure facilities at the neighborhood level can affect its neighborhood sustainability and can it affect city development. It is now widely accepted that a relationship exists between the shape, size ,density and land use distribution of a neighborhood and its sustainability. The relative sustainability of , for example , high and low urban densities, or centralized and decentralized settlements is still disputed. Certain forms of neighborhood appear to be sustainable in some respects , for example in reducing travel , social and recreational facilities are nearby. Consequently, if any advances in neighborhood sustainability are to be made, then connections between the neighbourhood form and a range of infrastructure ,recreational and social facilities at neighbourhood level need to be established. A possible solution offered for achieving sustainable neighbourhood form through infrastructure is that of "a high density mixed use development within a restrictive geographical area with enhanced public transport and infrastructure facilities for making smart city". This study attempts to answer three key questions:  what is the existing form of selected neighbourhoods for the study purpose , to identify whether present neighbourhood form is based on sustainable neighbourhood concept if not then........  how can it be achieved?  how it will helpful for making future smart cities?
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