Author : Gade.Venkatesham 1
Date of Publication :14th March 2017
Abstract: Indian Municipal solid waste (MSW) consists of 50-55 % of bio degradable organic matter. This typical composition suggests composting as a suitable option, if source segregation can be adopted. Composting of MSW is proved to be a sustainable option in many countries as the other methods of disposal pose challenges like demand for land, leachate pollution, gas production, low calorific value, heterogeneity of combustible materials, air pollution, etc. Composting organic material in MSW will result in compost, which can be used as soil conditioner in agriculture. With the cost of inorganic fertilizers on the rise in the recent decades, compost can be a good substitute for farmers. The present paper reports the results of a study wherein the quality of compost produced by adopting Windrow/aerobic Composting. As a part of above study Windrow/aerobic Composting samples are collected from different Municipal corporations which are using Windrow/aerobic Composting and the quality of compost is analyzed. Fertilizing Index and Clean Index are used for assessing the quality of the compost. The indices are categorized into marketable classes (A, B, C & D) or restricted use class (RU-1, RU-2 & RU-3) based on their fertilizing parameter and Heavy metal content
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