Author : F. L. Pathan 1
Date of Publication :12th April 2017
Abstract: India has modernized its food laws system from multilevel, multidepartment to the single, strong food law system. It is in 2006 by the establishment of FSSA 2006. Keeping in view the present food adulteration in India the task force had been set up to recommend changes in the Food Safety and Standards Act. The poor implementation of the existing Food Safety and Standards Act was also a problem, especially in state governments. Testing and analytical capacity among India’s official food safety monitoring units is inadequate to manage a supply system that feeds nearly 1.3 billion people. Effective appropriation of resources to regulatory units, institutional strengthening and capacity building, tighter strategic and operational coordination among agencies, involvement of students in the fight against adulteration by adding the adulteration types and simple measures to find it out in their syllabus. Using student power to train adulterants about the ill effects of it and making them part of vigilance with total confidentiality to uproot the adulteration and problem associated with it from India
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