Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Studies on Preparation and Quality of Nutrie Banana Almond fruit leather

Author : P. S. Dongare 1 S. D. Mali 2 Prof. A.C. Dagadkhair 3

Date of Publication :13th April 2017

Abstract: A present investigation was carried out with the objectives to study preparation and quality characteristics of banana almond leather with the incorporation of milk powder. The various trials were taken for formulation of recipe with the varying quantity of almond and banana pulp. The result outcome of this research is that, a good quality fruit based leather can be prepared by using Banana pulp 430 g, Almond powder 15 g, Milk powder 40 g, Okara (Soy milk residue) 4g, Sugar 38.79 g, Citric acid 0.862 g and KMS 0.862 g. The prepared leather founds a concentrated source of nutrients viz., Moisture 17g/100g, Protein 10.21g, Carbohydrate 61.63g, Fat 5.86g, Ash 2.42g and Fibre 2.5 g/100 g. Also it is a good source of Calcium 220 mg/100g, Phosphorous 67.7 mg/100g, Potassium 348 mg/100g and Magnesium 57 mg/100g. Beyond the basic chemical composition it is a very good source of Omega fatty acids and essential amino acids as it’s fortified with an almond and milk powder. The leather having good consumer acceptability as per sensory evaluation conducted by semi trained panel members. The prepared leather can be stored for long time with better packaging material preferably LDPE and wrapped with butter paper at ambient temperature

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