Author : Ayush Ransingh 1
Date of Publication :20th April 2017
Abstract: In this work treatment of influent wastewater at Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) has been investigated using Hydrodynamic Cavitation (HC) using single hole orifice plate. Various methods like DAP (Di Ammonium phosphate), RO (Reverse Osmosis) has been widely investigated but HC arouses some promising outcomes hence is being investigated. The optimization of the treatment process by investigating the effect of parameters viz inlet pressure and residence time has been done by analyzing Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD). The effect of inlet pressure on cavitational yield has also been investigated. Further under optimized conditions of 5 kg/cm2 inlet pressure, reduction of COD and BOD has been analyzed. Under optimized condition COD reduces from 832 to 457 mg/L and BOD from 330 mg/L to 118 mg/L. This work is a rare report on treatment of CETP wastewater using HC.
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