Author : Thakur Neelam 1
Date of Publication :19th July 2017
Abstract: The current retrospective study was aimed to examine major risk factors of mental retardation without a common genetic cause to educate the population and define intercession methods. A total of 150 MR of unknown etiology and 150 normal children were included in this study and look over for stigmata of dysmorphology, malformations, growth retardation, family history of MR, developmental delay etc. Stanford-Binet Intelligence test was conducted for each participant. Mental retardation is found to be associated with maternal education, low birth weight, preterm birth, microcephaly, multiple births, male preponderance, rural origin etc. No maternal age effect was noticed in these individuals as most of the cases were born to younger mother but in severe mental retardation, risk increased consistently and independently with increasing maternal age. Birth order does not predict mental retardation of unknown etiology. Only severely affected individuals were associated with multiple births. Present study is a preliminary step towards revealing the subtle causes of mental retardation in population of Himachal Pradesh. This study exposes the current situation and identifies the most tenacious intrusions to reduce the occurrence of childhood MR in Himachal Pradesh. Proper monitoring of risk factors could prevent our human health system from a serious lifelong disability and burden of the society could be reduced
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