Author : Abil Joseph Eapen 1
Date of Publication :24th August 2017
Abstract: The transformation from β titanium to α titanium is a fast process, andhence simulation of the process is a reliable technique for the understanding of their microstructural evolution and the morphology of the transformed phase. Cellular Automata (CA) is the technique used here for the simulation. In this technique, the considered lattice is divided into a number of cells and based on the property determining parameters of the material, dependent variables are calculated for each cell. Initial Ti- 6Al-4V microstructure is mapped to the MATLAB by an image. Based on the assumptions and the thermodynamic properties of Ti-6Al-4V all relevant properties and microstructure is captured by incorporating nucleation and its growth and vanadium diffusion. Vanadium diffusion is solved b inite ifference ethod using appropriate boundar conditions The simulation is done for three different cooling rates , s
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