Author : Sophia.S 1
Date of Publication :23rd August 2017
Abstract: Heavy metals in the marine environment are of considerable interest because they remain in the organism and may accumulate and magnify in body tissue. The presence of toxic metals in food chain accumulates in the body tissue of aquatic organisms. Fish is a major component of the aquatic habitat and serve as bio-indicator of heavy metals levels in its habitat. Mugilcephalushas been recognized as a good bio-accumulator of organic and inorganic pollutants. The accumulations of Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb) and Mercury (Hg) in Mugilcephalus from adyar estuary located in chennai, Tamilnadu state, India were estimated. The results revealed that the Pb and Hg concentration was higher during pre-monsoon season and As was higher during monsoon season. The order of accumulation is Pb>As>Hg. Oxidative stress is a common pathway of toxicity and Mugilcephalus posses the well developed antioxidant defense systems for neutralizing the toxic effects of Reactive oxygen species. The estimation of anti oxidant activity shows seasonal variation in SOD, CAT, GST and GSH
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