Author : Mahtuf Ikhsan 1
Date of Publication :23rd August 2017
Abstract: Nowdays, major problem faced by Bukit Suligi Educational Forest is deforestation in which around 70 % FTC (Forest Training Facility) has been burned, and palm oil is illegally planted surrounding the area. From burned area, rehabilitation is the real choice to preserve Bukit Suligi Educational Forest. According to the problem, a study needs to be done to prove that there are trees in the forest that can produce an alternative energy for the community. This is what will change the perception of people who think the value of forest is lower than palm oil plantation. Utilization of mahogany leaf (Swietenia macrophylla) as one of alternative sources that can generate electricity based on the characteristics of mahogany leaf produces a bitter taste in the tongue entirely. This research is done by getting mahogany leaf in Bukit Suligi Educational Forest and making green battery model from mahogany leaf extract in Forestry Vocational School of Pekanbaru. Based on the results, 720 ml green battery model can generate electricity of 3,87 volts. Therefore, mahogany leaf extract is potential for a new alternative electrical energy. From this research, it can be expected that community around the forest will take an initiative to restore degraded forests with mahogany plant
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