Author : Dr. M. Gunamani Singh 1
Date of Publication :16th August 2017
Abstract: This paper presents the results from a qualitative research study that explores the experiences of high school teachers with some of teaching techniques and approaches in critical pedagogy.The study considers teachers who may not have explicitly learned about or applied critical pedagogy in teaching. It investigates how feasible and desirable they find the techniques and approaches in critical pedagogy to be based on their teaching experiences these teachers work in school with largely upper – middle class students, so the issue of applying critical pedagogy with affluent students adds a dimension of interest to this study.It was generally expected that school teachers would be implementing several teachingapproaches relating to critical pedagogy prescribed in NCF-2005 but these pedagogieswere found only partially implementedby them at Elementary stage in Manipur. Probably this could be one of the main reasons that the problem of low achievement in English persisted in some schools and English language learners did not attain the proficiency of languageskills required at the end of the Elementary stage in Manipur. Therefore, there isneed to address this issue because it may not help future careers of the children. After the identification of this problem, ten schools (5 Private English medium schools and 5 Government schools) were selected for our study. Among these 5 Private schools, 2 of them were convent schools. Of the 5 Government schools, one is a model school where relatively more facility has been created by the Government. In order to carry out the investigation, questionnaires were administered to the teachers of English, who are working in these ten schools and their responses were analyzed. In addition, the Heads/Principals were also consulted by the investigator in relation to teaching/learning process, evaluation systems and their administration. We found some discrepancies in methods, approaches and techniques adopted by teachersdue to which low achievement in English occurs.
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