Date of Publication :31st August 2017
Abstract: Our society has grown by leaps and bounds; yet, a woman still struggles to protect her dignity, even in broad daylight. Eve teasing is a street level sexual harassment which includes unwelcome verbal, nonverbal and physically determined sexual behaviour by a man towards a woman. Actions like touching, rubbing, staring, pinching, making obscene gestures and remarks to a woman falls under the umbrella of eve teasing. Though it may seem as an innocent and harmless act, it often leaves the victim with fear, anxiety, shame and embarrassment questioning her own actions and her expressions of identity. In spite of the various measures taken to put an end to this heinous practice, it still continues to be witnessed in every nook and corner of our society. The current study conducted on 30 girls is an attempt to enquire whether the safety drives / campaigns by the government are an effective measure in fighting eve teasing from the society
Reference :
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