Author : Mohammed Msaddek 1
Date of Publication :1st November 2017
Abstract: It is true that textual processing entails the methodical usage of monitoring strategies intended to facilitate the attainment of an effective, adequate comprehension. Indeed, English as a foreign language (EFL) learners, in their endeavor to generate efficient sense of any written discourse, are expected to employ a large corpus of strategic processes. Granted this, the current study depicts the typical influence of text genre (i.e., narrative, expository) on the use of the monitoring techniques among Moroccan EFL learners (n=113) at the pre-test and post-test levels. Two English department groups were targeted: Control group (n=50) and treatment group (n=63). In order to reach comprehensive findings, three research instruments such as reading tests, strategy instruction and reading comprehension texts (i.e., narrative, expository), were tapped. The outcomes showed that text genre does, to some extent, impact the frequent use of monitoring during the reading process. Lastly, the study concludes with some pertinent implications and suggested perspectives
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