Author : Endang Siti Rahayu 1
Date of Publication :20th December 2017
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze social capital of handicraft leather sculpture decoration business based on local cultural heritage in Sukoharjo Regency, Indonesia. The research was conducted in Sukoharjo, in June-September 2017. The selection respondent of research was done purposively and the respondents were selected by census method. Technique method of data collection is done by literature study, observation, interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The research design used descriptive analysis. The result of the research shows that social capital of craftsmen is high with score 86 that is good cooperation, trust to others, obedient to common norm, care about other people condition and engage in social organization of society. The aspect of cooperation among others shows that sculpture decoration leather in Sukoharjo district has good cooperation in supporting sculpture decoration handicraft business (score 90). Aspects of confidence level among fellow craftsmen in Sukoha rjo in high category (score 88). It indicates that the establishment of mutual trust both within the family, community leaders, government and outsiders as a supporter of his business. Aspects of adherence to norms, rules or rules are categorized as high (score 86). Aspects level of concern for others in high category (score 86). Involvement of artisans in social organizations of society is high with a score of 80..
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