Date of Publication :20th December 2017
Abstract: The group of disabled people have limitation in quality of life in everyday activity. Assistive technology using eye gaze is researched to improve their life in learning. It will be beneficial to handicapped people to type words quickly and easily by themselves. Scanning gaze-path will be inaccurate if we scan wrong for the first letter since users will hit other keys unintentionally during saccade for intended letter. In this paper, we introduce on-screen keyboard for text-entry with integration of dwell-free and dwell-time method instead of using fingers. Dwell-time method is applied for the first letter and the last letter to make sure that the users activate the right letter. After users activate the first letter, they can swipe their eye gaze with dwell-free method to make their typing faster. To predict intended words which users would like to type, Revised Levenshtein algorithm is used to calculate distance between scan-path words and words in database. The highest score is considered as intended words that users intend to type. Scoring criteria include distance, word frequency, and stored words that users used to type. In experiment, the performance of less letter is higher than many letters because of missing many gaze-path letters since setting threshold of fixation duration is so high
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