Author : Abimbola M. Enitan 1
Date of Publication :20th December 2017
Abstract: Among the organisms that are involved in digestion of organic matter degradation methanogens are the major microbial group responsible for methane production. This study quantify the concentration of total bacteria and methyl-coenzyme M reductase α-subunit (mcrA) gene, specific functional gene for methane-producing Archaeal in an anaerobic reactor treating brewery wastewater using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR). Primer sets targeting mcrA gene and total bacteria were used to detect and quantify the concentration present in the sludge samples. Q-PCR results showed that a high amount of mcrA gene that codes for the functional enzyme in methane producing Archaea are present in the reactor. However, the ratio of Archaea to bacteria concentration is lower and this revealed that the quantity of methane producing communities need to be enhanced in this reactor, in order to increase biofuel production. The results further increased our understanding on the ability of methanogens to grow in high concentration at an optimum reactor performance in anaerobic condition to transform organic substrate present in industrial wastes into biogas as source of renewable energy
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