Author : K. Kalita 1
Date of Publication :20th December 2017
Abstract: The fusion cross sections at sub-barrier energies depends on the couplings of various reaction channels such as deformation/orientation, non-elastic channels etc. The fusion cross sections may be either enhanced or hindered depending on their influences. Experiments are attempted to extract many parameters like hexadecapole deformations (β4) through fusion excitation function as well as by quasi-elastic measurements all over the world. The challenging experiments are performed on 16O + 176Yb, 174Yb at Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi and at BARC-TIFR pelletron accelerator facilities and the results are compared. Experimental method that can give the β4 with less uncertainty is highly sought after between these two measurements. Recently, Quasi elastic scattering measurement around the barrier energies, at 150◦ and 170◦ with respect to beam direction, has been carried out to obtain the barrier distribution for the reaction 16O+ 176Yb. The measured barrier distribution has been compared with coupled channel calculation. The β4 value is obtained from the best fit of the experimental barrier distribution using minimisation χ 2 technique
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