Author : Arjumand Fatima 1
Date of Publication :14th February 2018
Abstract: Key-introduction resistances have reliably an essential issue in various security applications. Recently the key exposure problem is proposed. The solution of key exposure problem is that client has to update his key in every time which is a new burden to the client. In our drawing, at the time of file uploading, knowledge owner can transfer a file in the cloud and Proxy server TPA simply has to hold a client's mystery answer whereas doing while doing all these burdensome tasks on behalf of the client. The client simply has to transfer the encoded mystery answer from the TPA whereas transferring new documents to the cloud to boot, our configuration likewise enhances the client with the capability to encourage settle for the legitimacy of the encoded mystery keys gave by the TPA. If TPA detects some corrupted files then it gets over the proxy server to examining system through key presentation resistance as easy as possible. The main objective of this paper is to make key transparent by updating keys, the key is updated by giving the time validity, and the validity is provided using the time server
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