Author : Arjumand Masood Khan 1
Date of Publication :14th February 2018
Abstract: Natural language processing (or Computational linguistic) is becoming the need of today’s world. The field of Text Analytics, comprising of Natural Language Processing unite as a whole with Machine Learning and Data Mining. They have also evolved the years to keep pace with the rapid increase of novel sources of corpus data. The main challenges face nowadays is analysis from the text in a multilingual setting e.g. (English Arabic) or (English Urdu). Natural language processing and Text Analytics methods are increasingly being adopted, developed and distributed for addressing wide ways of real-life, industrial problems, teaching-learning process globally. Arabic is one of the major languages spoken and used by many people of Gulf countries and United Nations. More than 330 million in more than 22 countries people’s mother tongue is Arabic/Urdu. Arabic is also one of the languages of Holy Quran.
Reference :
- NLPLkit: A Toolkit for Natural Language Interface Construction pdf 2017.
- Walid Cherif, Abdellah Madani Mohamed Kissi” Towards an efficient opinion measurement in Arabic comments” The International Conference on Advanced Wireless, Information, and Communication Technologies (AWICT 2015)
- Julia Hirschberg and Christopher D. Manning” Advances in natural language processing” 17 July 2015 vol 349
- Antonio Moreno Teófilo Redondo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid “Text Analytics: the convergence of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence” Madrid, Spain ZED Worldwide, Madrid Spain DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2016.
- Balahur, A. & Turchi, M.“Comparative Experiments Using Supervised Learning and Machine Translation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis”. Association for Computational Linguistics. In Computer Speech and Language, 28(1), pp. 56-75. 2014
- Alexandra Balahur Marco Turchi Ralf Steinberge JoseManuel Perea-Ortega Guillaume Jacquet Dilek Küçük Vanni Zavarella Adil El Ghali. “Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts” Evaluation Conference, 23-28 May 2016, Portorož