Author : Dipeeka P. Radke 1
Date of Publication :23rd February 2018
Abstract: In information networks, owners can store their documents over distributed multiple servers. It facilitating user to store and access their data in and from multiple servers by sitting anywhere and on any device. It is a very challenging task to provide efficient search on distributed document also provide the privacy on owner’s document. The existing system provides one possible solution that is privacy preserving indexing (PPI). In this system, documents are distributed over multiple private servers which are collectively controlled by cloud/public server. When the user wants some documents, their query to the public cloud, which then returns the candidate list that is private server list to the user. After getting the list, the user can search the document on a specific the private server but in this system, documents are stored in plain text form on private server that is privacy is compromised. But proposed system enhanced this existing system to make it more secure and efficient. First documents are stored in encrypted form on the private server and then use key distribution center (KDC) for allowing decryption of data received from the private server, at the client side. The proposed system also implements TF-IDF, which provides the ranking results to users
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