Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Review Paper On: College Placement Management System and Resume Generation

Author : Shivani Bahadure 1 Bhairavi Lanjewar 2 Mrudula Mankar 3 Snehal Parbat 4 R. B. Ghate 5

Date of Publication :6th February 2018

Abstract: Earlier Training and Placement Officer have to go through manual format but this system help Training and Placement Officer to match company criteria with student profile and depending upon it the students will be shortlisted. All the work regarding the placement activities is done by this system; from collecting data to shortlist the student. This system provides the facility to automated resume and simplified registration process. To generate the list of eligible students for placement. This system place the best co-ordination between teacher and student regarding campus recruitment activities. In This system the admin can conduct the mock-s test, and the according to company criteria they can short - lists the student. Student can discuss their difficulties with the departmental staff, Alumni. Notification regarding to recruitment is directly on their EMAIL and Mobile phone

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