Date of Publication :20th April 2018
Abstract: The Trivandrum Social Service Society, a charitable organization was registered on 7th June 1960 under Travancore- Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act, XII of 1955. Ever since this Welfare Organisation is under the control of the Trivandrum Diocese. All the endeavors of this Society are directed towards the social- economic upliftment of the poor and oppressed sections of the society, irrespective of caste, creed and community. The Society rendered its services in various directions. When natural calamities occurred, serious efforts were made to protect the people
Reference :
- Antony.E.P., Origin and Growth of Latin Catholics of Kerala, Trivandrum, 1981.
- Ferroli.D., The Jesuits in Malabar II Vols., Bangalore, 1939.
- George Mark Moraes., A History of Christianity in India, Bombay,1964.
- Hentry Hart Milan., History of Latin Christianity, Vol.IX, Erunakulam, 1976.
- Luniya.B.N., Evolution of Indian Cuture, Agra, 1980.