Author : R.Mohana 1
Date of Publication :20th April 2018
Abstract: Tea has been cultivated for centuries and remains one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Tea is one of the most refreshing and popular beverage. Green tea is the common scientific name of the herb Camellia Sinensis. It has been cultivated in China and the Asian region for thousands of years, and today, tea is the second most popular drinks, served both hot and cold. Many health benefits are said to be gained by consuming tea, Green Tea has recently become more widespread in India. Green Tea has been historically promoted for having a variety of positive health benefits. Green Tea may help to reduce the risk of cancer, promote oral health, reduce blood pressure, and help with weight control. In this regard, the main objective of the study is know the preference of the consumers regarding the consumption of Green Tea. The collected data with the help of well - structured questionnaire. Sixty five samples were taken in Thoothukudi town for this study. The data subjected to analysis and the findings of the study reveals that the maximum of the respondents prefer Tajmahal brand of green tea. Majority of the respondents are having green tea in evening alone and most of the respondents are said the green tea price is high. The study also reveals that majority of respondents feel the green tea for diet support
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