Author : Shikha Srivastava 1
Date of Publication :20th April 2018
Abstract: Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris) is the very nutritious vegetable as it ranks 10th most powerful vegetable with respect to antioxidants and total phenolic compounds and it is rich in many valuable active compounds and nutrients. Therefore, consumption of beetroot can be considered a factor in disease prevention. The present study aimed at the formulation of two value added products of beetroot by baking i.e.beetroot cake by incorporation of beetroot powder (BRP) at 20 (Type-A),30(Type-B),40(Type-C) and 50 (Type-D) percent and beetroot biscuits were also prepared by incorporation of BRP at 0%(Type-A),5%(Type-B),10%(Type-C) and 15% (Type-D) .The sensory evaluation of both baked products were done by using the Nine-point hedonic scale. The most acceptable beetroot cake and beetroot biscuits were nutritionally analyzed by applying the standard method of AOAC, 2000 for betanin, betaine, choline, folic acid, iron, vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, dietary fiber, carbohydrate and antinutrients (Saponins and Oxalic acid). The result obtained revealed that beetroot cake Type-C (40% of BRP) and beetroot biscuit Type-B(5% of BRP) were most acceptable than other. It was found that the value of all nutrients and antinutrients were increased from beetroot biscuits to beetroot cake but the amount of calcium, magnesium and potassium were decreased from biscuits to cake
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