Author : OYUNTUGULDUR Gan-Unur 1
Date of Publication :20th April 2018
Abstract: This research concerns the role of individuals (e.g., colleagues or managers) in workplace gender discrimination, with a special focus on the discriminatory evaluation of workplace altruism. Using questionnaire data, we compare levels of discriminatory performance evaluation in a developing country (Mongolia) and a developed country (Taiwan). The questionnaire, obtained from Heilman and Chen (2005), measures respondent’s perceptions of altruistic citizenship behavior in the workplace, carried out by a hypothetical employee who may be either male or female. Respondents’ differential evaluation of work performance, depending on whether the actor is male or female, is an indication of individual gender bias, and a possible explanation as to why the gender discrimination exists at the company level. The questionnaire data lead to two conclusions. First, gender discrimination among Taiwanese respondents is lower than among Mongolians. Second, even if Mongolian HRM policies were the same as in Taiwan, discrimination would be worse in Mongolia, where the vast majority of corporate decision-makers are men.
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