Author : M.P.Shalimath Nasli 1
Date of Publication :20th April 2018
Abstract: In urban areas, parking the car is one of the difficult tasks that we are facing in our day to day life. The main issue is providing the sufficient parking system. Nowadays, it is very hard to find the availability of parking slots in the highly rushed places like malls, cinema halls, etc. This calls for the situations of a Smart car parking system.T his paper represents a system which is based on local networks and commanded by an Android application. The paper proposed a system of intelligent parking using Android application which provides the user an easy way of booking the parking slots through an application where the user will automatically find the parking space via the server. In addition to this, we can say that it’s a new way of communication between humans and the things with the help of new technology based on networking. To avoid the problem of traffic congestion in the urban areas where it consumes unnecessarily amount of times, this paper provides the easy reservation system of parking
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