Author : M. Parvathi Banu 1
Date of Publication :13th April 2018
Abstract: In this paper, left singularity and left regularity in a near-idempotent – semigroup are defined. In a nearidempotent – semigroup a is left singular and it is also proved that every class in a near-idempotent – semigroup is left (right) singular if and only if S is left (right) regular. - class is defined and proved that it is a near null semigroup. Also a b for all a,b in S and ab= a in a left singular near-idempotent – semigroup. Any nearidempotent – semigroup is left regular if and only if = and right regular if = . Also any near idempotent – semigroup is near-commutative if = . Any near-commutative – semigroup is near commutative if only and only if it is both left and right regular.
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