Author : Dr B. A. Satyamurthy 1
Date of Publication :8th November 2018
Abstract: As a function with a strategic role, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSM) needs to continuously find ways to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. One potential way to specifically addressing efficiency target is to parts of the Operation management process. While operations management remains one of the most prevalent business practices in various areas, many businesses fail to realize the benefits anticipated from their operations management initiatives. Research reports that one major reason for these operations management challenges. There has been consensus operation management of that logistics as well as supply chain management is a vital research field, yet with few literature reviews on this topic. This paper sets out to propose some hot issues in the current research, through a review of related literature from the perspective of operations management. In addition, we generate some insights and future research. In this paper, we elaborate how the organizational design of the LSM function relates to Operations management opportunities in order to increase efficiency
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