Date of Publication :11th April 2019
Abstract: Feature matching refers to estimating robust feature correspondences between two images of same scene, which maps the key points from source to target data set. In this work an effective approach is used in the form of Progressive Sparse Spatial Consensus (PSSC) for finding more true matches from a putative set of feature correspondences. The key purpose is performing sparse approximation progressively based on spatial consensus. This significantly reduces the computation complexity as well as covers the more true matches. The spatial transformation between images is characterized by non-parametric thin plate spline kernel which enables our progressive Sparse Spatial Consensus method to handle non-rigid and rigid motions of the image pairs. The Expectation Maximization along with the maximum likelihood model is used to estimate and optimize the degree of true match. The quantitative outcomes obtained on publicly accessible data sets are verified with the results of various algorithms shows that our approach outstands in the rate of precision, recall and f-measure specifically in the case of large-scale outliers
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