Author : Dhanya K 1
Date of Publication :20th June 2019
Abstract: The paper entitled “Dielectric Parameters of Pure and Doped Poly Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA) Films at Microwave Frequencies†presents different dielectric parameters of some pure and doped dielectric films corresponding to the X-band frequencies (8 – 12 GHz). The interested dielectric parameters are real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constants & , loss tangent (tan ), conductivity σ, relaxation time , absorption coefficient k and refractive index n. A novel waveguide method recently introduced for the study of dielectric parameters of samples in the form of films is used in this study. An X-band microwave test bench with a Gunn diode as a source, consisting of a slotted sample holder with a thin film sample is used for the study. Pure and doped PMMA films of 100μm to 1000μm thickness are to be prepared and various parameters are analyzed for different thickness t, temperature T, and frequency f. The dopents used are AgNo3 and CdS. Since the method is proposed for thin films, it is very efficient for costly materials. A very thin film, even with very small area may be selected for the study
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