Date of Publication :13th June 2019
Abstract: Study on Stochastic modal is a tool for estimating probability distributions of potential customers by allowing for random variation in one or more inputs over time. Stochastic modal provides an approximation to the real world situation. A modal involving a random variable or chance factor is called Stochastic modal. Here we discuss mainly the renewal process and the Markov renewal process . It includes the basic definitions of renewal proces , types of renewal process and their examples. Markov renewal process is considered as a generalizations of all other process
Reference :
- B Ramdas Bhat , Stochastic models
- U Narayan Bhat and Gregory K Miller, Elements of applied stochastic process
- Erhan Cliner , Introduction tostochastic process
- Qi-Ming He , classification of Markov Process
- Samuel Karlin , A First course in Stochastic process
- Henk C Tijims , A first course in stochastic models