Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering(IJERECE)

Monthly Journal for Electronics and Communication Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Science Engineering and Management (IJSEM)

Monthly Journal for Science Engineering and Management

ISSN : 2456-1304 (Online)

Effect of stress on online food delivery executives in job performance

Author : Dr. K. Meenatchi Somasundari 1

Date of Publication :18th July 2019

Abstract: Our reckless life has pushed us to follow online lifestyle. It has made our lives comfort that even foods reached our doorsteps with a single tap. Often, we tend to ignore the work stress of food delivery executives. This article checks through its pros and cons. Stress consumed the minds of people. ‘Stress is the psychological and physical state that results when the resources of the individual are not being sufficient to cope with the demands and pressures of the situation’. The present study was to evaluate the pros and cons of job stress, impact of coping mechanism and job performance of executives in selected online food delivery services. The study reported responses of 210 online food delivery executives. The convenient random sampling method was adopted for collecting data. For analysis purposes, Chi square test, Correlation and independent t- test were used. The researcher culminated that online food delivery executives to realise the intensity of stress coping mechanism are best solution to overcome the stress in job performance.

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