Date of Publication :17th October 2019
Abstract: “Smart Tri-Cycle for Rag Pickers† In this entrepreneurship model, We are developing this product which will lead to business model.  We will research on all the related management things and the material required. In this part we will develop the product.  The product development where we will generate the solar electric tri-cycle with the garbage detection laser. Confirming this, The AI will be use for detection of garbage.
Reference :
- es&safe=off&sxsrf=ACYBGNRrVsJ9gUd8ooSLI0 giWqxQfPD4TA:1570522801703&source=lnms&t bm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjy59OtnYzlAhUB s48KHTyQAxYQ_AUIESgB&biw=1366&bih=65 4#imgrc=EbMFWeBtGV7s2M:
- http://